School Council

About School Council

As outlined in the Education Reform Act of 1993, the School Council is comprised of representatives from the parent body, the school staff, and the community at large.  Elections are held to ensure that all parents and staff have a full opportunity for representation.  The council has specific responsibilities that include, but are not limited to, examining the following topics:

  • Class size and impact on student achievement

  • School budget

  • School climate, safety, and discipline

  • Enhancement of parental involvement

  • Professional development

In addition, the council is charged with assisting the principal with the development of an annual School Improvement Plan that will identify areas of concern, establish explicit goals, state objectives, name persons charged with various responsibilities, and determine a timeline for measurable outcomes. In determining areas for improvement, the School Council takes guidance from the following sources:

  • NCLB Goals and Indicators

  • Common Core State Standards

  • Natick Public Schools District Mission and Goals

  • The Natick Public Schools’ Benchmarks for Learning

  • The school’s core values and analysis of student learning

 School Council Meeting Agendas